Twitter, facebook and your hair business

A few years back, an e-presence basically meant whipping together a website, putting some product images on it and providing your contact information so that visitors could seek more details. However, social media has made such a rudimentary approach almost obsolete.  Now, you still need a website but it needs to be well designed, engaging, Search Engine Optimized and completely bursting with ways visitors can interact and engage with your content. That’s why no modern hair business can do a good job promoting itself over the Internet without having significant presence on the two most popular social media platforms: Twitter and Facebook.

Here are the top 3 reasons why you need to start tweeting and maintain an active Facebook page!


Twitter and Facebook are a breeze to update. Whether it’s a one-line message announcing a ‘10% sale on all products’ or a gallery of the newest product offerings, Twitter and Facebook let you instantly publish the news, showcase images and videos and share your updates with all your followers and customers. This is a much more reliable, quicker and effective way of creating updates than depending on visitors to check your website for news. It’s also especially useful if you have a static website that you can’t update easily.


Getting your customers involved in your tweets and Facebook updates is much easier because they are already using the services. They don’t need to sign up, provide contact information or go anywhere else- all of which prove to be obstacles in luring visitors to your own website. Because existing Twitter and Facebook users (and there are millions of them including your customers) can easily view, ‘like’, ‘recommend’ and ‘share’ your pages with their friends and colleagues, it’s also a great way to build word of mouth and have your own customers do your promotion.


With Facebook photo albums and services like TwitVid, your Facebook and Twitter pages can be a highly interesting and multimedia experience for your customers. You can embed pictures, show videos and link to articles. Such activity gives your brand visibility and personality- two attributes customers respond to positively.

Facebook and Twitter allow you to build a professional network that you can use to easily reach customers and stay in touch with other small businesses and industry happenings. So instead of restricting yourself to your website, enjoy the benefits of social media and join the conversation. You will be benefiting both your business and your customers!